Golang In 2023 for what?

Danylo Bolshakov
6 min readApr 23, 2023


Go, also known as Golang, is an open-source, compiled, and statically typed programming language designed by Google. It is built to be simple, high-performing, readable, and efficient.

In 2023, Go is used for many areas of RESTful APIs, CLI, DevOps, etc.

Go for Web Development

Go delivers speed, security, and developer-friendly tools for Web Applications

Here the companies who's using Go for Web Development

  1. Medium uses Go to power their social graph, their image server and several auxiliary services. “We’ve found Go very easy to build, package, and deploy. We like the type-safety without the verbosity and JVM tuning of Java.”
  2. Cloudflare speeds up and protects millions of websites, APIs, SaaS services, and other properties connected to the Internet. “Go is at the heart of CloudFlare’s services including handling compression for high-latency HTTP connections, our entire DNS infrastructure, SSL, load testing and more.”
  3. Caddy 2 is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go. Caddy offers greater memory safety than servers written in C. A hardened TLS stack powered by the Go standard library serves a significant portion of all Internet traffic.
  4. The simplicity and safety of the Go language were a good fit for the United Kingdom’s government’s HTTP infrastructure, and some brief experiments with the excellent net/http package convinced web developers they were on the right track. “In particular, Go’s concurrency model makes it absurdly easy to build performant I/O-bound applications.”
  5. The Economist needed more flexibility to deliver content to increasingly diverse digital channels. Services written in Go were a key component of the new system that would enable The Economist to deliver scalable, high performing services and quickly iterate new products. “Overall, it was determined that Go was the language best designed for usability and efficiency in a distributed, cloud-based system.”

Go for Cloud & Network Services

Go makes it very easy to scale as a company. This is very important because, as our engineering team grows, each service can be managed by a different unit.

— Ruchi Malik, developer at Choozle

Here the companies who’s using Go for Cloud & Network Services

  1. Google Cloud uses Go across its ecosystem of products and tools, including Kubernetes, gVisor, Knative, Istio, and Anthos. Go is fully supported on Google Cloud across all APIs and runtimes.
  2. Twitch uses Go to power many of its busiest systems that serve live video and chat to millions of users
  3. Uber uses Go to power several of its critical services that impact the experience of millions of drivers and passengers around the world. From their real-time analytics engine, AresDB, to their microservice for Geo-querying, Geofence, and their resource scheduler, Peloton.
  4. The New York Times adopted Go “to build better back-end services”. As the usage of Go expanded with in the company they felt the need to create a toolkit to “to help developers quickly configure and build microservice APIs and pubsub daemons”, which they have open sourced.
  5. Capital One uses Go to power the Credit Offers API, a critical service. The engineering team is also building their serverless architecture with Go, citing Go’s speed and simplicity, and mentioning that “[they] didn’t want to go serverless without Go.”
  6. Dropbox was built on Python, but in 2013 decided to migrate their performance-critical backends to Go. Today, most of the company’s infrastructure is written in Go.
  7. MercadoLibre uses Go to scale its eCommerce platform. Go produces efficient code that readily scales as MercadoLibre’s online commerce grows. Go improves their productivity while streamlining and expanding MercadoLibre services.

Go for Command-line Interfaces (CLIs)

“I was tasked with building our CLI tool and found two really great projects, Cobra and Viper, which make building CLI’s easy. Individually they are very powerful, very flexible and very good at what they do. But together they will help you show your next CLI who is boss!”

— Steve Domino, senior engineer and architect at Strala

Here the companies who’s using Go for Command-line Interfaces

  1. GitHub uses Go for a command-line tool that makes it easier to work with GitHub, wrapping git in order to extend it with extra features and commands.
  2. Kubernetes is one of the most popular Go CLI applications. Kubernetes Creator, Joe Beda, said that for writing Kubernetes, “Go was the only logical choice”. Calling Go “the sweet spot” between low level languages like C++ and high level languages like Python.
  3. MongoDB chose to implement their Backup CLI Tool in Go citing Go’s “C-like syntax, strong standard library, the resolution of concurrency problems via goroutines, and painless multi-platform distribution” as reasons.
  4. Netflix uses Go to build the CLI application ChaosMonkey, an application responsible for randomly terminating instances in production to ensure that engineers implement their services to be resilient to instance failures.
  5. Comcast uses Go for a CLI client used to publish and subscribe to its high-traffic sites. The company also supports an open source client library which is written in Go — designed for working with Apache Pulsar.
  6. Stripe uses Go for the Stripe CLI aimed to help build, test, and manage a Stripe integration right from the terminal.
  7. Uber uses Go for several CLI tools, including the CLI API for Jaeger, a distributed tracing system used for monitoring microservice distributed systems.
  8. Hugo is one of the most popular Go CLI applications powering thousands of sites, including this one. One reason for its popularity is its ease of install thanks to Go. Hugo author Bjørn Erik Pedersen writes “The single binary takes most of the pain out of installation and upgrades.”

Go for Development Operations & Site Reliability Engineering

Development Operations (DevOps) teams help engineering organizations automate tasks and improve their continuous integration and continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) process. DevOps can topple developmental silos and implement tooling and automation to enhance software development, deployment, and support.

Here the companies who’s using Go for Development Operations & Site Reliability Engineering

  1. Docker is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product, written in Go, that DevOps/SRE teams leverage to “drive secure automation and deployment at massive scale,” supporting their CI/CD efforts.
  2. YouTube uses Go with Vitess (now part of PlanetScale), its database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL through generalized sharding. Since 2011 it’s been a core component of YouTube’s database infrastructure, and has grown to encompass tens of thousands of MySQL nodes.
  3. IBM’s DevOps teams use Go through Docker and Kubernetes, plus other DevOps and CI/CD tools written in Go. The company also supports connection to it’s messaging middleware through a Go-specific API.
  4. Netflix uses Go to handle large scale data caching, with a service called Rend, which manages globally replicated storage for personalization data.
  5. Microsoft uses Go in Azure Red Hat OpenShift services. This Microsoft solution provides DevOps teams with OpenShift clusters to maintain regulatory compliance and focus on application development.
  6. Drone is a Continuous Delivery system built on container technology, written in Go, that uses a simple YAML configuration file, a superset of docker-compose, to define and execute Pipelines inside Docker containers.
  7. etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines, and it’s written in Go.
  8. Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It supports a number of cloud providers such as AWS, IBM Cloud, GCP, and Microsoft Azure — and it’s written in Go.
  9. Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud. Most Prometheus components are written in Go, making them easy to build and deploy as static binaries.

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